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The Era of TODs, CBDs and TEC

Transit-Oriented Design (TOD) is an exciting urban planning trend which maximises the best of residential, business and leisure space.

In This Article

Today’s world is experiencing a shifting sentiment towards flexible working ever since the global pandemic has shaken up the way we socially interact and conduct our daily lives. Although flexible working as a policy is not necessarily a wholly new concept to the businesses world, for many industries and countries this has been the first time that the advantages, benefits and possibility of incorporating flexible working elements into their corporate culture have been experienced. Now that this opportunity has been unlocked, the general consensus is that even after COVID-19, flexible working, virtual conferences and online seminars are going to be an integrated piece of corporate life alongside physical, offline activities.

What will the Future of Work look like?

As businesses incorporate more flexible elements into their corporations, to provide managerial structure and support for their teams to collaborate virtually, policies will be reshuffled, SOPs will be introduced, and larger corporations may take up more flexible workspaces to supplement their real estate portfolios and offer more choices for their decentralised teams.


A hub and spoke model might become more common: Having one central location as a headquarters, with multiple short-term leases in flexible workspaces to provide working locations closer to residentials and secondary business districts. For a model like this, it is imperative that transportation is accessible, convenient and efficient. That’s where Transit-Oriented Development comes in.

The Era of TOD and why are we hearing about it now?

In many regards, elements of Transit-Oriented Development are already a part of the mainstream infrastructure and city development models. The definition of transit-oriented development is a type of complex urban development that plans around public transportation. Typically, at the core of a TOD will be a central transit stop for a train station, tram line or bus stop which is then circled by a high-density area where everything is accessible within walking distance. This model maximises the number of residential, commercial and leisure spaces within a mixed-use district that is of walking distance of each other. Public transport and cycling are encouraged over commuting with personal vehicles. You can imagine the benefits to the environment with this reduced carbon emission as a result of less individual vehicular use.


Transit-oriented development principles are typically found in Central Business Districts of many modern bustling cities where infrastructure, connectivity and accessibility are paramount to the function of these zones. If you’re a Member of our Executive Centres you may already be familiar with the benefits and advantages of living and working from a TOD led urban planning project. Some of our latest Executive Centres in such Central business Districts include our locations in Sydney, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Dubai, Tokyo, Hong Kong and more.


The Inseparable Force between TEC and TOD

Being in a sophisticated urban city, socialising and networking is a core part of doing business. Whether it’s a catchup with friends, a gathering with colleagues, or a business lunch with clients, social activities form a big part of our professional lives outside of our day to day schedules. Transit-oriented developments help facilitate a healthier, streamlined and greener urban lifestyle for the workforce of the future. Moreover, as TOD takes into consideration the relationship and harmony of commercial and residential planning, these locations become attractive places of living for young professionals and business leaders. In this way transit-oriented development is a mechanism that sets businesses up for success as talent pools and business opportunities are easily accessed nearby.

At The Executive Centre, we like to look at our business from the eyes of our Members. From this perspective, we gain insight into how to select new locations for our Centres. We want our spaces to foster a Community that is connected globally through the shared values of being sustainable, profitable and successful. Our Executive Centres should translate and embrace our Members ambitions through our design choices, impeccable service, support and product offerings. Our Communities elevate social and professional relationships and build bridges that connect individuals from all walks of life and stages of careers. That’s why when we set out to expand our locations, we consider all of the infrastructure and advantages our Members need and the features a location can offer. Inevitably, at The Executive Centre we are connected through our Members needs to work in a Central Business Districts, and CBDs are inevitably connected with Transit-Oriented Development principles. The Future of Work is evolving and so are the needs of today’s working professionals, and one thing for sure is that the success of tomorrows businesses demands entrepreneurs, corporations and professionals to be flexible, agile and dynamic.

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