The Value of An Internship Experience at The Executive Centre
We interviewed our 2021 interns to reflect on their experience working at TEC HQ for eight-weeks. Here are their perspectives:
Over the past several summers, The Executive Centre’s headquarters in Hong Kong has hosted some of the brightest young people working in a variety of jobs and universities from around the world. Taking place over eight weeks, the internship program provides invaluable exposure to a variety of business units within our organisation.
The Value Of An Internship Program
Our interns exemplified the impact and importance of a successful training program, helping to create, assist in, and spearhead projects led by various mentors across all disciplines within TEC. Their hard work has laid the foundations for many new exciting projects in the coming months, for which their project directors are most grateful for. They were all energetic individuals contributing fresh ideas to our business, all while experiencing valuable professional and personal growth opportunities.
We interviewed our 2021 interns after eight weeks with us – here are some of their perspectives:

What Made You Join TEC?
I had heard great things about TEC's internship program from friends. As the company has an important role in an industry which I hadn't had any previous experience, I saw it as an opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and learn as much as I can.

As TEC operates in several markets across the Asia Pacific region, I was attracted to the prospect of creating potential job opportunities not only in Hong Kong, but in places like Australia, Japan and Singapore.
Having grown up in Hong Kong, I’ve always known TEC to be a renowned and respected company as a top premium workspace provider. So, when I saw the chance to apply to their internship program, I didn’t hesitate to take the opportunity. It was an experience that I knew could only benefit my career going forward.
What Has Been The Best Thing About Your Internship Experience?
One of the things I enjoyed most at TEC is the fact that the work we do during our internship is valued by the company. Our projects will be implemented, either while we were with TEC or after we have left. It made me feel like my work is important and worthwhile to the company.

I arrived a couple of weeks after all the other interns. I was really happy with how welcoming everybody was, as I was immediately included in group activities - whether that be playing pool at lunchtime or going for dinner after work. I’m also a fan of the program structure, as being able to focus solely on interesting projects for 2-4 weeks at a time allows me to focus all of my attention on individual projects, which in turn teaches me more about specialised mechanisms of the company.
I have met so many wonderful people! And not just the rest of the interns in the program, but throughout the entire TEC team. Also, being able to gain experience in different departments and being assigned real projects has been a very rewarding process.
What Makes TEC A Good Place To Work?
All of TEC’s team members are always willing to help and provide their own ideas and advice to help guide you as well. Aside from having a lot of friendly-faces around the office, TEC also offers a wide-range of benefits for fitness, health and recreation – something not universal amongst corporate internship programs.
A perk of being an intern at TEC is the ability to try out some of the workspaces around the city. This provides an environment change that is not only refreshing, but also exposes me first-hand to TEC’s products. Back at HQ, the way that the atmosphere in the office changes during the lunch hour also makes for a work environment that is friendly, sociable and fun to be in. This shift in atmosphere results in a very welcoming setting - I didn’t hesitate to sit with anybody during lunches. Moreover, company-sponsored junk trips and dinners were really fun, serving to strengthen the relationships I developed with my fellow interns.

There is a great feeling of community across TEC, where everyone is collaborative and willing to help one another to progress within their job roles. Having the ability to work at both HQ as well as TEC’s different centres also offers me more flexibility and encourages my productivity.
How Has The Internship Program Changed Your Everyday Working Mindset?
Working in close proximity with project leads has grown my appreciation for TEC's employees – I really felt valued as a key member. My everyday working mindset has evolved so that if I'm in a position similar to these project leads in my career, I'll make sure to remember the value of working with interns.

I believe TEC has shifted my working mindset to be more goal oriented, particularly through the short-term projects. Furthermore, working alongside other interns with varied backgrounds and experiences has taught me how to work more effectively in a team. My working mindset has evolved, and I now have a deeper understanding of the true value of teamwork.
It has highlighted the importance of collaboration. I’ve learnt that working alone – although occasionally beneficial – can often not be as effective as working closely with a partner. I understand that teamwork provides an opportunity to expand and stimulate ideas to create an even greater outcome.
If you would like to be part of TEC’s Internship program for Summer 2022, follow our LinkedIn + Instagram below and stay tuned for information. Our recruitment process will begin around the start of the New Year.
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