Myths of Co-working Spaces
There are many #Companies who cannot afford to waste time setting up infrastructure. For companies like those, #CoWorking space/ #SharedOffice space makes the most sense. Know more: . Read on, if you are looking for suitable , #CoWorking space/ #SharedOffice
Owing to the burgeoning economic growth seen over the recent past, Pune has seen unprecedented growth in almost every sphere. Companies have mushroomed over the years, spreading their tentacles through the city, converting it from a once quiet town to a bustling metropolis.
Naturally, such exponential growth has seen the demand for co-working space skyrocket. Not everyone has the budget to develop a large I.T Park from scratch, and populate it with the various facilities. There are many companies who cannot afford to waste time setting up infrastructure. For companies like those, co-working space makes the most sense.
However, there are a few myths that surround co-working spaces. As with anything that giant popularity across a diverse range of industries, a certain element of mystery shrouds it. Some negative implications, completely unfounded or avoidable, have managed to tarnish the reputation of co-working spaces. The below points dispel some of the most common myths surrounding co-working spaces. Read on, if you are looking for suitable co-working space in Pune, Bangalore or anywhere else.
The realm of startups and freelancers:
The most common misconception is that co-working spaces benefit only those who benefit from interactive office setups. This is not true. People who work remotely for large companies stand to benefit immensely as well. Basically, co-working spaces are great for people who have freedom and flexibility with regards to working hours.
Zero privacy and lots of distractions:
Again, this is a matter of personal preferences. Light conversation and banter goes on in every office space. If there is complete silence, the mood tends to be sombre, and this is counter-productive, contrary to what many might think. If like-minded individuals work in the same industry bounce ideas off each other, it is helpful and mutually beneficial for both. As long as the behaviour in the cubicles isn’t loud or obnoxious, there is no reason to believe that co-working spaces harbour multiple distractions.
Only large urban areas can benefit:
This held true, when co-working spaces were starting out. Now, because of diversification and expansion, Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities have also seen the rise of co-working spaces. Also, most people travel from semi-urban to densely populated urban areas. For example, Mumbai has a large floating population. Now, if they were allowed to work remotely from a co-working space, it would save them a lot of travel time.
Co-working spaces and shared office spaces are one and the same:
This could not be further from the truth. Co-working spaces are set up, so they gradually turn into a community of companies and individuals with complementary skill sets. Sometimes, the business objective/goal is common. There could also be scope for collaboration, if you find someone suitable in your co-working space.
Thus, as is evident, there are a lot of false beliefs, regarding co-working spaces. What is actually a brilliant way to work, is usually dismissed due to some superficial issues. It is advisable, to think from a strategic perspective. Co-working spaces are usually fully loaded with top notch infrastructure. A firm will not have to waste time setting up. In an age, when time is money, it does help to hit the ground running, and commence operations as soon as possible.
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